Source code for

from abc import abstractmethod
import torch.nn as nn
from nni.nas.pytorch import mutables
from nni.nas.pytorch.fixed import FixedArchitecture
import json
from copy import deepcopy
import torch
from ...model import BaseAutoModel
from ....utils import get_logger
from ..utils import get_hardware_aware_metric

class OrderedMutable:
    An abstract class with order, enabling to sort mutables with a certain rank.

    order : int
        The order of the mutable

    def __init__(self, order):
        self.order = order

class OrderedLayerChoice(OrderedMutable, mutables.LayerChoice):
    def __init__(
        self, order, op_candidates, reduction="sum", return_mask=False, key=None
        OrderedMutable.__init__(self, order)
            self, op_candidates, reduction, return_mask, key)

class OrderedInputChoice(OrderedMutable, mutables.InputChoice):
    def __init__(
        OrderedMutable.__init__(self, order)
            self, n_candidates, choose_from, n_chosen, reduction, return_mask, key

class StrModule(nn.Module):
    A shell used to wrap choices as nn.Module for non-one-shot space definition
    You can use ``map_nn`` function

    name : anything
        the name of module, can be any type

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.str = name

    def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.str

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.str)

def map_nn(names):
    A function used to wrap choices as nn.Module for non-one-shot space definition

    name : list of anything
        the names of module, can be any type
    return [StrModule(x) for x in names]

class BoxModel(BaseAutoModel):
    The box wrapping a space, can be passed to later procedure or trainer

    space_model : BaseSpace
        The space which should be wrapped
    device : str or torch.device
        The device to place the model

    _logger = get_logger("space model")

    def __init__(self, space_model, device):
        super().__init__(None, None, device)
        self.init = True = []
        self.hyperparams = {}
        self._model = space_model
        self.num_features = self._model.input_dim
        self.num_classes = self._model.output_dim
        self.params = {"num_class": self.num_classes, "features_num": self.num_features}
        self.selection = None

    def _initialize(self):
        return True

    def fix(self, selection):
        To fix self._model with a selection

        selection : dict
            A seletion indicating the choices of mutables
        self.selection = selection
        apply_fixed_architecture(self._model, selection, verbose=False)
        return self

    def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._model(*args, **kwargs)

    def from_hyper_parameter(self, hp):
        receive no hp, just copy self and reset the learnable parameters.

        ret_self = deepcopy(self)
        if ret_self.selection:
            apply_fixed_architecture(ret_self._model, ret_self.selection, verbose=False)
        return ret_self

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return str(
            {'parameter': get_hardware_aware_metric(self.model, 'parameter'),
             'model': self.model,
             'selection': self.selection

[docs]class BaseSpace(nn.Module): """ Base space class of NAS module. Defining space containing all models. Please use mutables to define your whole space. Refer to `` for detailed information. Parameters ---------- init: bool Whether to initialize the whole space. Default: `False` """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._initialized = False @abstractmethod def _instantiate(self): """ Instantiate modules in the space """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Define the forward pass of space model """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_model(self, selection: dict, device) -> BaseAutoModel: """ Export the searched model from space. Parameters ---------- selection: Dict The dictionary containing all the choices of nni. device: str or torch.device The device to put model on. Return ------ model: autogl.module.model.BaseModel model to be exported. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def instantiate(self): """ Instantiate the space, reset default key for the mutables here/ """ self._default_key = 0 if not self._initialized: self._initialized = True
[docs] def setLayerChoice( self, order, op_candidates, reduction="sum", return_mask=False, key=None ): """ Give a unique key if not given """ orikey = key if orikey == None: key = f"default_key_{self._default_key}" self._default_key += 1 orikey = key layer = OrderedLayerChoice( order, op_candidates, reduction, return_mask, orikey) return layer
[docs] def setInputChoice( self, order, n_candidates=None, choose_from=None, n_chosen=None, reduction="sum", return_mask=False, key=None, ): """ Give a unique key if not given """ orikey = key if orikey == None: key = f"default_key_{self._default_key}" self._default_key += 1 orikey = key layer = OrderedInputChoice( order, n_candidates, choose_from, n_chosen, reduction, return_mask, orikey ) return layer
[docs] def wrap(self): """ Return a BoxModel which wrap self as a model Used to pass to trainer To use this function, must contain `input_dim` and `output_dim` """ device = next(self.parameters()).device return BoxModel(self, device)
class FixedInputChoice(nn.Module): """ Use to replace `InputChoice` Mutable in fix process Parameters ---------- mask : list The mask indicating which input to choose """ def __init__(self, mask): self.mask_len = len(mask) for i in range(self.mask_len): if mask[i]: self.selected = i break super().__init__() def forward(self, optional_inputs): if len(optional_inputs) == self.mask_len: return optional_inputs[self.selected] class CleanFixedArchitecture(FixedArchitecture): """ Fixed architecture mutator that always selects a certain graph, allowing deepcopy Parameters ---------- model : nn.Module A mutable network. fixed_arc : dict Preloaded architecture object. strict : bool Force everything that appears in ``fixed_arc`` to be used at least once. verbose : bool Print log messages if set to True """ def __init__(self, model, fixed_arc, strict=True, verbose=True): super().__init__(model, fixed_arc, strict, verbose) def replace_all_choice(self, module=None, prefix=""): """ Replace all choices with selected candidates. It's done with best effort. In case of weighted choices or multiple choices. if some of the choices on weighted with zero, delete them. If single choice, replace the module with a normal module. Parameters ---------- module : nn.Module Module to be processed. prefix : str Module name under global namespace. """ if module is None: module = self.model for name, mutable in module.named_children(): global_name = (prefix + "." if prefix else "") + name if isinstance(mutable, OrderedLayerChoice): chosen = self._fixed_arc[mutable.key] if sum(chosen) == 1 and max(chosen) == 1 and not mutable.return_mask: # sum is one, max is one, there has to be an only one # this is compatible with both integer arrays, boolean arrays and float arrays setattr(module, name, mutable[chosen.index(1)]) else: # remove unused parameters for ch, n in zip(chosen, mutable.names): if ch == 0 and not isinstance(ch, float): setattr(mutable, n, None) elif isinstance(mutable, OrderedInputChoice): chosen = self._fixed_arc[mutable.key] setattr(module, name, FixedInputChoice(chosen)) else: self.replace_all_choice(mutable, global_name) def apply_fixed_architecture(model, fixed_arc, verbose=True): """ Load architecture from `fixed_arc` and apply to model. Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model with mutables. fixed_arc : str or dict Path to the JSON that stores the architecture, or dict that stores the exported architecture. verbose : bool Print log messages if set to True Returns ------- FixedArchitecture Mutator that is responsible for fixes the graph. """ if isinstance(fixed_arc, str): with open(fixed_arc) as f: fixed_arc = json.load(f) architecture = CleanFixedArchitecture(model, fixed_arc, verbose) architecture.reset() # for the convenience of parameters counting architecture.replace_all_choice() return architecture