Graph Robustness

Graph robustness is an important research direction in the field of graph representation learning in recent years, and we have integrated graph robustness-related algorithms in AutoGL, which can be easily used in conjunction with other modules.


In AutoGL, we divide the algorithms for graph robustness into three categories, which are placed in different modules for implementation. Robust graph feature engineering aims to generate robust graph features in the data pre-processing phase to enhance the robustness of downstream tasks. Robust graph neural networks, on the other hand, are designed at the model level to ensure the robustness of the model during the training process. Robust graph neural network architecture search aims to search for a robust graph neural network architecture. Each of these three types of graph robustness algorithms will be described in the following sections.

Robust Graph Feature Engineering

We provide structure engineering methods to enhance robustness, please refer to preprocessing part for more information.

Robust Model

We provides a series of defense methods that aim to enhance the robustness of GNNs.

Building GNNGuard Module

Firstly, load pre-attacked graph data:

perturbed_data = PrePtbDataset(root='/tmp/', name=dataset,attack_method='meta', ptb_rate=0.2)
modified_adj = perturbed_data.adj

Secondly, train a victim model (GCN) on clearn/poinsed graph:

flag = False
print('=== testing GNN on original(clean) graph (AutoGL) ===')
print("acc_test:",test_autogl(adj, features, device, attention=flag))
print('=== testing GCN on perturbed graph (AutoGL) ===')
print("acc_test:",test_autogl(modified_adj, features, device, attention=flag))

For details in training GNN models:

def test_autogl(adj, features, device, attention):
"""test on GCN """
"""model_name could be 'GCN', 'GAT', 'GIN','JK'  """
accs = []
for seed in tqdm(range(5)):
    # defense model
    gcn = AutoGNNGuard(
    gcn =, adj, labels, idx_train, idx_val=idx_val,
            attention=attention, verbose=True, train_iters=81)
    acc_test, output = gcn.test(idx_test=idx_test)
mean = np.mean(accs)
std = np.std(accs)
return {"mean": mean, "std": std}

Thirdly, train defense model GNNGuard on poinsed graph:

flag = True
print('=== testing GNN on original(clean) graph (AutoGL) + GNNGuard ===')
print("acc_test:",test_autogl(adj, features, device, attention=flag))
print('=== testing GCN on perturbed graph (AutoGL) + GNNGuard ===')
print("acc_test:",test_autogl(modified_adj, features, device, attention=flag))