Source code for autogl.module.feature._auto_feature

import time
import numpy as np
import torch
import typing as _typing
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import tqdm
import tabulate
from ._base_feature_engineer import BaseFeatureEngineer
from ._feature_engineer_registry import FeatureEngineerUniversalRegistry
from ._selectors import GBDTFeatureSelector

from ...utils import get_logger

LOGGER = get_logger("Feature")

class IdentityFeature(BaseFeatureEngineer):

class OnlyConstFeature(BaseFeatureEngineer):
    def _transform(
            self, data: _typing.Union[, _typing.Any]
    ) -> _typing.Union[, _typing.Any]:
        if isinstance(data,
            for node_t in data.nodes:
                for candidate_feature_key in ('feat', 'x'):
                    if candidate_feature_key in data.nodes[node_t].data:
                        data.nodes[node_t].data[candidate_feature_key] = torch.ones(
                            (data.nodes[node_t].data[candidate_feature_key].size(0), 1)
                    elif len(data.nodes[node_t].data) > 0:
                        _ref = data.nodes[node_t].data[list(data.nodes[node_t].data)[0]]
                        data.nodes[node_t].data[candidate_feature_key] = (
                            torch.ones((_ref.size(0), 1)).to(_ref)
                        data.nodes[node_t].data[candidate_feature_key] = torch.ones(
                            (torch.unique(data.edges.connections).size(0), 1)
        elif hasattr(data, 'x') and isinstance(data.x, torch.Tensor):
            data.x = torch.ones((data.x.shape[0], 1)).to(data.x)
        elif hasattr(data, 'edge_index') and isinstance(data.edge_index, torch.Tensor):
            data.x = torch.ones((torch.unique(data.edge_index).size(0), 1)).to(data.edge_index)
            raise ValueError("Unsupported provided data")
        return data

def op_sum(x, nbs):
    res = np.zeros_like(x)
    for u in range(len(nbs)):
        nb = nbs[u]
        if len(nb != 0):
            res[u] = np.sum(x[nb], axis=0)
    return res

def op_mean(x, nbs):
    res = np.zeros_like(x)
    for u in range(len(nbs)):
        nb = nbs[u]
        if len(nb != 0):
            res[u] = np.mean(x[nb], axis=0)
    return res

def op_max(x, nbs):
    res = np.zeros_like(x)
    for u in range(len(nbs)):
        nb = nbs[u]
        if len(nb != 0):
            res[u] = np.max(x[nb], axis=0)
    return res

def op_min(x, nbs):
    res = np.zeros_like(x)
    for u in range(len(nbs)):
        nb = nbs[u]
        if len(nb != 0):
            res[u] = np.min(x[nb], axis=0)
    return res

def op_prod(x, nbs):
    res = np.zeros_like(x)
    for u in range(len(nbs)):
        nb = nbs[u]
        if len(nb != 0):
            res[u] =[nb], axis=0)
    return res

mms = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
ss = preprocessing.StandardScaler()

def scale(x):
    return ss.fit_transform(x)

class Timer:
    def __init__(self, timebudget=None):
        self._timebudget = timebudget
        self._esti_time = 0
        self._g_start = time.time()

    def start(self):
        self._start = time.time()

    def end(self):
        time_use = time.time() - self._start
        self._esti_time = (self._esti_time + time_use) / 2

    def is_timeout(self):
        timebudget = self._timebudget
        if timebudget:
            timebudget = self._timebudget - (time.time() - self._g_start)
            if timebudget < self._esti_time:
                return True
        return False

[docs]@FeatureEngineerUniversalRegistry.register_feature_engineer('DeepGL'.lower()) class AutoFeatureEngineer(BaseFeatureEngineer): r""" Notes ----- An implementation of auto feature engineering method Deepgl [#]_ ,which iteratively generates features by aggregating neighbour features and select a fixed number of features to automatically add important graph-aware features. References ---------- .. [#] Rossi, R. A., Zhou, R., & Ahmed, N. K. (2020). Deep Inductive Graph Representation Learning. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 32(3), 438–452. Parameters ---------- fix_length : int fixed number of features for every epoch. The final number of features added will be ``fixlen`` \times ``max_epoch``, 200 \times 5 in default. max_epoch : int number of epochs in total process. time_budget : int timebudget(seconds) for the feature engineering process, None for no time budget . Note that this time budget is a soft budget ,which is obtained by rough time estimation through previous iterations and may finally exceed the actual timebudget y_sel_func : Callable feature selector function object for selection at each iteration ,lightgbm in default. Note that in original paper, connected components of feature graph is used , and you may implement it by yourself if you want. verbosity : int hide any infomation except error and fatal if ``verbosity`` < 1 """ def __init__( self, fix_length: int = 200, max_epoch: int = 5, time_budget: _typing.Optional[int] = None, feature_selector=GBDTFeatureSelector, verbosity: int = 0, *args, **kwargs ): super(AutoFeatureEngineer, self).__init__() self._ops = [op_sum, op_mean, op_max, op_min] self._sim = cosine_similarity self._fixlen = fix_length self._max_epoch = max_epoch self._timebudget = time_budget self._feature_selector = feature_selector( fix_length, verbose_eval=verbosity >= 1, *args, **kwargs ) self._verbosity = verbosity def _gen(self, x) -> np.ndarray: res = [] for i, op in enumerate(self._ops): res.append(op(x, self.__neighbours)) res = np.concatenate(res, axis=1) return res def _fit(self, homogeneous_static_graph: if not ( homogeneous_static_graph.nodes.is_homogeneous and homogeneous_static_graph.edges.is_homogeneous ): raise ValueError if 'x' in _feature_key = 'x' _original_features: torch.Tensor = (['x'] ) elif 'feat' in _feature_key = 'feat' _original_features: torch.Tensor = (['feat'] ) else: raise ValueError num_nodes = _original_features.size(0) neighbours = [[] for _ in range(num_nodes)] for u, v in homogeneous_static_graph.edges.connections.t().numpy(): neighbours[u].append(v) self.__neighbours: _typing.Sequence[np.ndarray] = tuple( [np.array(v) for v in neighbours] ) x: np.ndarray = _original_features.numpy() gx: np.ndarray = x.copy() verbs = [] soft_timer = Timer(self._timebudget) self._selection = [] for epoch in tqdm.tqdm(range(self._max_epoch), disable=self._verbosity <= 0): soft_timer.start() verb = [epoch, gx.shape[1]] gx = self._gen(gx) gx = scale(gx) verb.append(gx.shape[1])[_feature_key] = torch.from_numpy(gx) self._feature_selector._fit(homogeneous_static_graph) self._selection.append(self._feature_selector._selection) homogeneous_static_graph = self._feature_selector._transform( homogeneous_static_graph ) gx: np.ndarray =[_feature_key].numpy() verb.append(gx.shape[1]) x = np.concatenate([x, gx], axis=1) verbs.append(verb) soft_timer.end() if soft_timer.is_timeout(): break if self._verbosity >= 1: tabulate.tabulate(verbs, headers="epoch origin after-gen after-sel".split()) )[_feature_key] = torch.from_numpy(x) return homogeneous_static_graph def _transform(self, homogeneous_static_graph: if not ( homogeneous_static_graph.nodes.is_homogeneous and homogeneous_static_graph.edges.is_homogeneous ): raise ValueError if 'x' in _feature_key = 'x' _original_features: torch.Tensor = (['x'] ) elif 'feat' in _feature_key = 'feat' _original_features: torch.Tensor = (['feat'] ) else: raise ValueError x: np.ndarray = _original_features.numpy() gx: np.ndarray = x.copy() for selection in self._selection: gx = scale(self._gen(gx))[:, selection] x = np.concatenate([x, gx], axis=1)[_feature_key] = torch.from_numpy(x) return homogeneous_static_graph