Source code for

# codes in this file are reproduced from with some changes.
import typing as _typ
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
from .nni import mutables
from .base import BaseSpace
from .operation import act_map, gnn_map, act_map_nn, map_nn
from autogllight.utils.backend import BackendOperator as BK

    "gat_8",  # GAT with 8 heads
    "gat_6",  # GAT with 6 heads
    "gat_4",  # GAT with 4 heads
    "gat_2",  # GAT with 2 heads
    "gat_1",  # GAT with 1 heads
    "gcn",  # GCN
    "cheb",  # chebnet
    "sage",  # sage
    "sg",  # simplifying gcn
    "linear",  # skip connection
    "zero",  # skip connection

    # "sigmoid", "tanh", "relu", "linear",
    #  "softplus", "leaky_relu", "relu6", "elu"

GRAPHNAS_DEFAULT_CON_OPS = ["add", "product", "concat"]
# GRAPHNAS_DEFAULT_CON_OPS=[ "concat"] # for darts

[docs]class GraphNasNodeClassificationSpace(BaseSpace): def __init__( self, hidden_dim: _typ.Optional[int] = 64, layer_number: _typ.Optional[int] = 2, dropout: _typ.Optional[float] = 0.9, input_dim: _typ.Optional[int] = None, output_dim: _typ.Optional[int] = None, gnn_ops: _typ.Sequence[_typ.Union[str, _typ.Any]] = GRAPHNAS_DEFAULT_GNN_OPS, act_ops: _typ.Sequence[_typ.Union[str, _typ.Any]] = GRAPHNAS_DEFAULT_ACT_OPS, con_ops: _typ.Sequence[_typ.Union[str, _typ.Any]] = GRAPHNAS_DEFAULT_CON_OPS, ): super().__init__() self.layer_number = layer_number self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.gnn_ops = gnn_ops self.act_ops = act_ops self.con_ops = con_ops self.dropout = dropout
[docs] def build_graph(self): self.preproc0 = nn.Linear(self.input_dim, self.hidden_dim) self.preproc1 = nn.Linear(self.input_dim, self.hidden_dim) node_labels = [mutables.InputChoice.NO_KEY, mutables.InputChoice.NO_KEY] for layer in range(2, self.layer_number + 2): # input choice in_key = f"in_{layer}" self.setInputChoice( layer, choose_from=node_labels, n_chosen=1, key=in_key, ) # operation choice op_key = f"op_{layer}" op_candidates = [ gnn_map(op, self.hidden_dim, self.hidden_dim) for op in self.gnn_ops ] self.setLayerChoice(layer, op_candidates, key=op_key) # input choice candidates node_labels.append(op_key) # activation choice self.setLayerChoice(2 * layer, [act_map_nn(a) for a in self.act_ops], key="act") # for DARTS, len(con_ops) can only <=1, for dimension problems if len(self.con_ops) > 1: self.setLayerChoice(2 * layer + 1, map_nn(self.con_ops), key="concat") self.classifier1 = nn.Linear( self.hidden_dim * self.layer_number, self.output_dim ) self.classifier2 = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.output_dim)
[docs] def forward(self, data): # x, edges = data.x, data.edge_index # x [2708,1433] ,[2, 10556] x = BK.feat(data) x = F.dropout(x, p=self.dropout, pprev_, prev_ = self.preproc0(x), self.preproc1(x) prev_nodes_out = [pprev_, prev_] for layer in range(2, self.layer_number + 2): node_in = getattr(self, f"in_{layer}")(prev_nodes_out) op = getattr(self, f"op_{layer}") node_out = BK.gconv(op, data, node_in) prev_nodes_out.append(node_out) act = getattr(self, "act") if len(self.con_ops) > 1: con = getattr(self, "concat")() elif len(self.con_ops) == 1: con = self.con_ops[0] else: con = "concat" states = prev_nodes_out if con == "concat": x =[2:], dim=1) else: tmp = states[2] for i in range(3, len(states)): if con == "add": tmp = torch.add(tmp, states[i]) elif con == "product": tmp = torch.mul(tmp, states[i]) x = tmp x = act(x) if con == "concat": x = self.classifier1(x) else: x = self.classifier2(x) return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)