Hyper Parameter Optimization

We support black box hyper parameter optimization in various search spaces.

Search Space

We support three types of search space as follows:

# linear numerical search space:
RangeHP("lr", 0.001, 0.1)

# logarithmic numerical search space:
LogRangeHP("lr", 0.001, 0.1)

# categorical search space:
ChoiceHP("opti", ["adam", "sgd"])

In addition, users can also create their own search space by inheriting HPSpace. The search space should be combined as a list:

space = [
    LogRangeHP("lr", 0.001, 0.1),
    ChoiceHP("opti", ["adam", "sgd"]),
    ChoiceHP("num_layers", [2, 3]),

Using HPOptimizer

The following table lists the HPO algorithms we support and the search spaces they support:


linear numerical

logarithmic numerical






TPE [1]



Quasi random [4]

We use HPOptimizer as follows:

def f(hps: dict, dataset=None):
    # return the result of evaluating the given hps on the given dataset
    return value

hpo = build_hpo_from_name("tpe", hp_space, f)

Adding Your HPOptimizer

If you want to add your own HPOptimizer, you need to implement the BaseHPOptimizer interface:

class MyOptimizer(BaseHPOptimizer):
    def _set_up(self, num_slaves, time_limit, memory_limit):
        Initialize something used in "optimize"

        trainer : ..train.BaseTrainer
            Including model, giving HP space and using for training
        dataset : ...datasets
            Dataset to train and evaluate.
        time_limit : int
            Max time to run HPO
        memory_limit : None
            No implementation yet

    def _update_trials(self, pid, hp, perf):
        After the evaluation phase of each turn, update history trials according to the performance

        pid : int
            The process id which runs the evaluation
        hp : dict
            The HPs used in evaluation
        perf : float
            The performance of the HP, higher is better

    def _get_suggestion(self, pid):
        Give the next HP suggestion

        pid : int
            The process id which will run the evaluation

        para_json: dict
            The suggested HP

    def _best_hp(self):
        Give the best HP and the best trainer as the returns of "optimize"

        trainer: ..train.BaseTrainer
            The trainer including the best trained model
        para_json: dict
            The best HP

    def optimize(self):
        """Key function. Return the best hp & performance"""
        # this functino can be omitted if using the default optimize()