# "AutoGT: Automated Graph Transformer Architecture Search" ICLR 23'
import json
import os
import random
import time
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
from ..estimator.base import BaseEstimator
from ..space import BaseSpace
from .base import BaseNAS
[docs]class Autogt(BaseNAS):
AutoGT trainer.
num_epochs : int
Number of epochs planned for training.
device : str or torch.device
The device of the whole process
def __init__(
self.device = device
self.num_epochs = num_epochs
self.disable_progress = disable_progress
self.args = args
def prepare(self, data):
self.train_loader = data[0]
self.valid_loader = data[1]
self.test_loader = data[2]
def train_supernet(self, optimizer, scheduler):
total_loss = 0
for batched_data in self.train_loader[1:]:
y_hat = self.space(batched_data, self.space.model.gen_params()).squeeze()
y_gt = batched_data.y.view(-1)
loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(y_hat, y_gt.float())
total_loss += loss.double() * batched_data.y.shape[0]
return total_loss / self.train_loader[0]
def train(self, optimizer, scheduler, params=None):
total_loss = 0
for batched_data in self.train_loader[1:]:
y_hat = self.space(batched_data, params).squeeze()
y_gt = batched_data.y.view(-1)
loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(y_hat, y_gt.float())
total_loss += loss.double() * batched_data.y.shape[0]
return total_loss / self.train_loader[0]
def test(self, model, data_loader, params=None):
total_correct = 0
total_loss = 0
for batched_data in data_loader[1:]:
out = model(batched_data, params).squeeze()
total_correct += int(((out > 0.5) == batched_data.y).sum())
loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(out, batched_data.y.view(-1).float())
total_loss += loss.double() * batched_data.y.shape[0]
return total_loss / data_loader[0], total_correct / data_loader[0]
# def _infer(self, mask="train"):
# if mask == "train":
# mask = self.train_idx
# elif mask == "valid":
# mask = self.valid_idx
# else:
# mask = self.test_idx
# metric, loss = self.estimator.infer(self.space, self.data, self.args.arch, mask=mask)
# return metric, loss
def gen_params(self, path, spa, edg, pma, cen):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
dic = json.load(f)
depth = random.choice(dic['depth'])
layers = []
for _ in range(0, depth):
layer = []
hidden_in = random.choice(dic['hidden_in'])
num_heads = random.choice(dic['num_heads'])
att_size = random.choice(dic['att_size'])
hidden_mid = random.choice(dic['hidden_mid'])
ffn_size = random.choice(dic['ffn_size'])
mask = random.choice(dic['mask'])
layer.append((hidden_in, num_heads, att_size, hidden_mid, ffn_size, mask))
cen = random.choice([True, False])
eig = random.choice([True, False])
svd = random.choice([True, False])
layer.append((cen, eig, svd))
spa = spa > 0
edg = edg > 0
pma = random.choice([True, False])
layer.append((spa, edg, pma))
return (depth, tuple(layers))
def get_directory(self):
directory = f'./PROTEINS/checkpoints/{self.args.dataset_name}_4/{str(self.args.seed)}/{str(self.args.data_split)}/'
return directory
def get_ord(self, params):
spa = int(params[1][0][2][0])
edg = int(params[1][0][2][1])
pma = int(params[1][0][2][2])
cen = int(params[1][0][1][0])
ord = spa + (edg << 1)# + (pma << 2) + (cen << 3)
return ord
def gen_layer(self, dic, params):
layer = []
hidden_in = random.choice(dic['hidden_in'])
num_heads = random.choice(dic['num_heads'])
att_size = random.choice(dic['att_size'])
hidden_mid = random.choice(dic['hidden_mid'])
ffn_size = random.choice(dic['ffn_size'])
mask = random.choice(dic['mask'])
layer.append([hidden_in, num_heads, att_size, hidden_mid, ffn_size, mask])
cen = random.choice([True, False])
eig = random.choice([True, False])
svd = random.choice([True, False])
layer.append([cen, eig, svd])
spa = params[1][0][2][0]
edg = params[1][0][2][1]
pma = random.choice([True, False])
layer.append([spa, edg, pma])
return layer
def evolution(self, directory):
start = time.time()
with open(self.args.path, 'r') as f:
dic = json.load(f)
models = []
for ord in range(4):
sub_name = 'supernet_' + str(ord) + '.pt'
models.append(self.space.load_model(directory + sub_name)[0])
information = {}
population = []
candidates = []
def is_legal(params):
if params in information:
return False
info = {}
ord = self.get_ord(params)
_, valid_acc = self.test(models[ord], self.valid_loader, params)
_, test_acc_ = self.test(models[ord], self.test_loader, params)
info['valid_acc'] = valid_acc
info['test_acc_'] = test_acc_
# print('Top-1 Valid Accuracy = {}, Top-1 Test Accuracy = {}, Parameters = {}'.format(
# valid_acc, test_acc_, params))
information[params] = info
return True
def get_mutation():
# start = time.time()
# print('Start Mutation!')
result = []
def random_function():
params = random.choice(population)
depth, layers = params
layers = [list(list(item) for item in layer) for layer in layers]
if random.random() < self.args.m_prob:
new_depth = random.choice(dic['depth'])
if new_depth > depth:
layers = layers + [self.gen_layer(dic, params) for _ in range(new_depth - depth)]
layers = layers[:new_depth]
depth = new_depth
for i in range(depth):
if random.random() < self.args.m_prob:
layers[i][0][0] = random.choice(dic['hidden_in'])
if random.random() < self.args.m_prob:
layers[i][0][1] = random.choice(dic['num_heads'])
if random.random() < self.args.m_prob:
layers[i][0][2] = random.choice(dic['att_size'])
if random.random() < self.args.m_prob:
layers[i][0][3] = random.choice(dic['hidden_mid'])
if random.random() < self.args.m_prob:
layers[i][0][4] = random.choice(dic['ffn_size'])
if random.random() < self.args.m_prob:
layers[i][0][5] = random.choice(dic['mask'])
if random.random() < self.args.m_prob:
layers[i][1][0] = random.choice([True, False])
if random.random() < self.args.m_prob:
layers[i][1][1] = random.choice([True, False])
if random.random() < self.args.m_prob:
layers[i][1][2] = random.choice([True, False])
if random.random() < self.args.m_prob:
flag = random.choice([True, False])
for i in range(depth):
layers[i][2][0] = flag
if random.random() < self.args.m_prob:
flag = random.choice([True, False])
for i in range(depth):
layers[i][2][1] = flag
if random.random() < self.args.m_prob:
flag = random.choice([True, False])
for i in range(depth):
layers[i][2][2] = flag
layers = tuple([tuple([tuple(item) for item in layer]) for layer in layers])
result = tuple([depth, layers])
return result
iters = self.args.mutation_num * 10
while len(result) < self.args.mutation_num and iters > 0:
iters -= 1
params = random_function()
if not is_legal(params):
# end = time.time()
# print("End Mutation! Use time: {} s".format(end - start))
return result
def get_hybridization():
# start = time.time()
# print('Start Hybridization!')
result = []
def random_function():
params1 = random.choice(population)
params2 = random.choice(population)
iters = self.args.population_num
while params1[0] != params2[0] and iters > 0:
iters -= 1
params1 = random.choice(population)
params2 = random.choice(population)
AT_choice = random.choice([params1[1][0][2], params2[1][0][2]])
layers = []
for i in range(params1[0]):
shape_choice = []
for j in range(6):
shape_choice.append(random.choice([params1[1][i][0][j], params2[1][i][0][j]]))
PE_choice = []
for j in range(3):
PE_choice.append(random.choice([params1[1][i][1][j], params2[1][i][1][j]]))
layers.append(tuple([tuple(shape_choice), tuple(PE_choice), AT_choice]))
params = (params1[0], tuple(layers))
return params
iters = 10 * self.args.hybridization_num
while len(result) < self.args.hybridization_num and iters > 0:
iters -= 1
params = random_function()
if not is_legal(params):
# end = time.time()
# print("End Hybridization! Use time: {} s".format(end - start))
return result
# print("Evolution Started!")
with trange(self.args.evol_epochs) as bar:
for epoch in bar:
# for epoch in tqdm(range(self.args.evol_epochs)):
while len(candidates) < self.args.population_num:
spa = random.choice([True, False])
edg = random.choice([True, False])
pma = random.choice([True, False])
cen = random.choice([True, False])
params = self.gen_params(self.args.path, spa, edg, pma, cen)
if not is_legal(params):
population += candidates
population.sort(key=lambda x: information[x]['valid_acc'], reverse=True)
population = population[:self.args.population_num]
best_valid = information[population[0]]['valid_acc']
best_test = information[population[0]]['test_acc_']
bar.set_postfix(epoch=epoch, val_acc=best_valid, test_acc=best_test)
# print('epoch = {} : top {} result'.format(epoch, len(population)))
# for i, params in enumerate(population):
# print('No.{} Top-1 Valid Accuracy = {}, Top-1 Test Accuracy = {}, Parameters = {}'.format(
# i + 1, information[params]['valid_acc'], information[params]['test_acc_'], params))
# evolution
candidates = get_mutation() + get_hybridization()
# end = time.time()
# print("Evolution Ended! Use time: {} s".format(end - start))
def fit(self):
optimizer, lr_scheduler = self.space.model.configure_optimizers()
scheduler = lr_scheduler['scheduler']
best_performance = 0
min_val_loss = float("inf")
print('=> Phase 1: train supernet')
for epoch in tqdm(range(self.args.split_epochs)):
self.train_supernet(optimizer, scheduler)
directory = self.get_directory()
if not os.path.exists(directory):
name = 'supernet.pt'
self.space.save_model(optimizer, scheduler, directory + name)
print('=> Phase 2: train subnets')
for ord in range(4):
spa = int((ord & 1) != 0)
edg = int((ord & 2) != 0)
pma = int((ord & 4) != 0)
cen = int((ord & 8) != 0)
_, optimizer, scheduler = self.space.load_model(directory + name)
for epoch in tqdm(range(self.args.split_epochs, self.args.end_epochs)):
params = self.gen_params(self.args.path, spa, edg, pma, cen)
self.train(optimizer, scheduler, params)
sub_name = 'supernet_' + str(ord) + '.pt'
self.space.save_model(optimizer, scheduler, directory + sub_name)
print('=> Phase 3: evolution')
[docs] def search(self, space: BaseSpace, data, estimator: BaseEstimator):
self.estimator = estimator
self.space = space.to(self.device)
# return space.parse_model(None)